Microsoft’s latest operating system, Windows 10, has a lot going for it. It’s a powerful desktop operating system with a sleek new look and a lot of helpful new features. But still, its missing some key features that Ubuntu and its derivatives have had for a long time. Ubuntu is the leading long-term support, non-proprietary Linux distribution that is a favorite among Linux enthusiasts because of its regular updates and its strong security.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. There are countless photos on the Internet showing the differences between Windows 10 and Linux and how they work. However, hard language is not needed to describe what the two operating systems are about.

Features. Features are the key to every good OS and every good phone. All of the latest and greatest technology, even in laptops, comes with a handful of features that you just can’t live without. This is true for Windows, Ubuntu and Android. And what about those ‘bloatware’ apps that come with your phone or tablet? What about those annoying ads that keep popping up? And how about the security? All of these things play a role in what makes a good OS, and what makes a good phone.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparison

Milan Stanojevic is a writer who lives in Belgrade, Serbia.

Windows & Software Expert

Milan has been fascinated by computers since he was a child, and this has led him to be interested in all PC-related technology. He worked as a front-end web developer before joining WindowsReport. Continue reading

  • The final version of Windows 11 is the latest version of Microsoft’s operating will be available shortly, and in today’s guide, we’ll compare Windows 11 versus Ubuntu to see which is better.
  • Although the interfaces of both systems are fairly similar, there are numerous distinctions that we will discuss today.
  • Join us as we compare Windows 11 versus Ubuntu 20.04 to learn everything there is to know about both of these operating systems.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparison

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Although the final version of Windows 11 will be launched shortly, many early adopters are testing the Windows Insider version, and we recently published an in-depth evaluation of build 22000.71.

Windows has always had a rivalry with Linux, and in one of our previous guides, we compared Windows 11 against Linux.

We’ll compare Windows 11 versus Ubuntu in this article to evaluate which is the superior and more secure operating system.

What are the key differences between Windows 11 and Ubuntu?

The user interface (UI)

All user interface elements have rounded corners in Windows 11, giving it a new look. Because both have rounded corners for user interface elements, Ubuntu and Windows 11 share certain parallels.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparison

In terms of aesthetics, the new Windows OS has made some improvements to the File Explorer to make it look more streamlined and free of superfluous clutter, comparable to the file manager on Ubuntu.

The dock on Ubuntu is by default on the left side, but you can easily change its position, and even make it centered like on Windows 11.

Unfortunately, because the Taskbar is locked at the bottom position, you can’t move it like in prior versions of Windows, Windows 11 doesn’t give much adjustability in this area.

The Start Menu has been updated, and it now only displays pinned programs and frequently used files and apps. You can, of course, display all apps if you want.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparison

Windows 11 includes a Snap feature that allows you to organize all of your open windows into six different configurations.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparison

Snap groups are now available, allowing you to quickly return to the snap layout you last used. Unfortunately, without third-party plugins, Ubuntu does not enable window snapping.

Ubuntu is very configurable, and while Windows 11 allows you to download themes, it lacks Ubuntu’s capabilities in this area.

In terms of the interface, while Ubuntu is more streamlined and minimalistic, others may find it uninteresting, but that is entirely a matter of personal opinion.

In terms of multitasking, we believe Windows 11 is a better alternative because it comes pre-installed with window snapping.

Hardware is required.

  Windows 11 Ubuntu 21.04 is the latest version of Ubuntu.
CPU: 1GHz dual-core 64-bit processor compatible Dual-core processor with a clock speed of 2GHz
Storage: 64GB 25GB
Graphics: WDDM 2.0 driver is DirectX 12 compliant. A graphics card with at least 256MB of memory is required.
Firmware for the system: Secure Boot is supported by UEFI. No
TPM: TPM 2.0 No

The hardware requirements for Windows 11 have been known for some time, and the requirement for a TPM chip has stirred some debate.

TPM issues have been experienced by several early adopters when installing Windows 11, yet there is a solution to install Windows 11 without TPM.

TPM is a necessity for Windows 11, and until Microsoft addresses this workaround, you’ll have to buy a TPM chip or invest in a TPM motherboard to install the new Microsoft OS.

Other hardware requirements include what we might anticipate from a new operating system, but bear in mind that some older CPUs may not operate with Windows 11, so make sure yours is on the list of supported devices.

It’s also worth noting that Windows 11 will no longer support 32-bit CPUs, necessitating the use of a 64-bit processor.

The Ubuntu system requirements aren’t as stringent, and the newest version of this operating system should operate well on any dual-core PC with a dedicated graphics card with at least 256MB of RAM.

This varies greatly depending on the desktop environment you’re using, and certain versions, such as Xubuntu or Lubuntu, will run on computers as old as ten years old.

Ubuntu doesn’t require a TPM chip and can run on most processors, so you shouldn’t have any problems with compatibility. Ubuntu editions should run on any 32-bit or 64-bit PC.

When comparing the hardware requirements of Windows 11 with Ubuntu, Ubuntu is far more approachable. Here’s a quick breakdown of the system requirements for both Windows 11 and Ubuntu 21.04:


Because Windows 10 comes with built-in antivirus software called Windows Defender, it was a fairly safe operating system, and we expect Windows 11 to be the same.

If you don’t like Windows Defender, you can always use antivirus software for Windows 11 to offer an extra layer of security.

However, because Linux has a much smaller user base than Windows, Ubuntu does not require antivirus software. As a result, there isn’t much malware developed expressly for Linux.

Windows currently controls about 73 percent of the desktop market, while Linux accounts for only 2.6 percent. As a result, the Windows userbase is much larger, and there are many more potential victims.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparisonOperating systems for desktop PCs have the largest global market share – Source: Statista

It’s also worth remembering that Ubuntu can’t run.exe files, thus you won’t be able to launch a virus that’s concealed in a.exe file on Linux.

Finally, all Linux programs operate with standard user privileges, so even if your PC is infected, the application won’t have administrative or root access, preventing it from making big modifications.

Finally, because Ubuntu is open-source and privacy-focused, you can rest confident that it is not collecting your personal information. On the other side, Windows 10 has privacy issues, which we’re interested in seeing how Windows 11 will handle.

In terms of security, Ubuntu is a superior alternative than Windows 11 since it is more safe by design, has fewer viruses, and is open-source, with a strong focus on user privacy.

Support for applications

When comparing Windows 11 to Ubuntu, the major difference is application support. Windows 11 supports Win32 apps, and because Windows has such a large market share, most apps are designed expressly for it.

Windows 11 will also improve app support, enabling it to run Win32,.NET, UWP, Xamarin, Electron, React Native, Java, and Progressive Web Apps with ease.

Furthermore, Windows 11 will include native support for Android apps, allowing you to execute them without the use of Android emulators.

But, in terms of Android emulators on Windows 11, what does this mean?

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparisonMicrosoft’s TikTok Android app is working on Windows 11 – Source: Microsoft

Android emulators, we believe, will continue to exist, particularly after Google introduces pp Bundles.

In Windows 11, Microsoft is also introducing a new Microsoft Store, which should allow you to download any app, including Android and Win32 apps.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparison

This is a fantastic move, as it will enable the Microsoft Store to serve as a download gateway for all types of software, similar to the Software Center found in Ubuntu and other Linux distributions.

Ubuntu and other Linux distributions are unable to execute Win32 applications, and the only method to do so is through the use of Wine, a compatibility layer.

Wine can run Windows software, but it isn’t the most dependable solution. The same is true for gaming; while Ubuntu can run some games, don’t expect it to perform as smoothly as Windows 11.

All major Windows software have Ubuntu alternatives, although those alternatives may not always be as excellent as their Windows counterparts.

Windows, on the other hand, has a Windows Subsystem for Linux, and Windows 10 can run Windows GUI apps, so expect Windows 11 to be the same.

When comparing app support between Windows 11 and Ubuntu, it’s evident that Windows 11 wins because it supports both Win32 and Android apps.

Ubuntu, on the other hand, may be a better alternative if you want free and open-source software, but keep in mind that you may have to say goodbye to some of your favorite Windows programs.


Windows 11 is really easy to use, and if you’ve used Windows 10 or any other version before, you won’t notice a difference.

The new UI is cleaner, the Start Menu is less cluttered, and Live Tiles have been replaced with widgets, which take up less space in your Start Menu because they have their own panel.

The good news is that you can quickly disable any widgets using this function, allowing you to customize your experience even further than altering the background and sound scheme.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparison

Ubuntu is more complicated, and it has a steep learning curve. Because the operating system requires a basic understanding of the Terminal, make sure you know at least the basics.

You may use the Terminal to install apps and dependencies, and you can also use it to adjust certain settings.

Windows 11 vs Ubuntu: Feature and security comparisonSource: Ubuntu – An example of how the Ubuntu terminal appears.

This may appear intimidating at first, and it isn’t as difficult as it appears, but it does take some getting accustomed to. On the other hand, Windows 11 does not use the command line at all, and most settings may be changed through the graphical user interface.

Although skilled users can alter settings via the command line in Windows 11, most typical users will never have to do so, which is not the case with Ubuntu.

When comparing the simplicity of use of Windows 11 with Ubuntu, we have to remark that Windows is more easier to use because it does not require you to utilize the command line.

On the other hand, if you’re a power user who isn’t afraid of the command line, Ubuntu might be the right fit for you.


Windows 11 is a proprietary operating system, which means you’ll need to buy a license to install it on a single computer. If you have several PCs in your home, you will need to purchase multiple licenses.

Users of Windows 10 should be able to upgrade to Windows 11 for free, but new users will have to pay for the license. So far, no pricing information has been released, although Microsoft is expected to do so soon.

The same is true for software on the Windows platform; while there are several open-source and freeware options, the vast majority of apps require a license to operate.

Ubuntu, on the other hand, is fully free, and you don’t need to buy a license to use it. You can also install it on as many machines as you like, for both personal and commercial use.

Most Linux programs are also open-source and free, which means they don’t require a license and can be used nearly without limitation.

If cost is your primary issue, Ubuntu is a superior option because it is fully free and can be installed on many computers without restriction.

You should be able to update to Windows 11 for free if you already have a Windows 10 license.

Is Ubuntu compatible with Windows?

Yes, you can use virtual machine software to run Ubuntu on Windows. Keep in mind that because you’ll be running Ubuntu inside Windows, this solution may be taxing on your hardware.

Running Ubuntu from a Live USB or dual booting Windows and Ubuntu is a superior option.

This option may function depending on your system configuration, or it may create system instability, therefore acquire more information on the subject before making a decision.

Is it possible to run Android apps on Ubuntu?

Ubuntu, unlike Windows 11, does not have native support for Android apps. It can, however, run Android apps with the help of specialized software like Anbox.

If you plan on using both Android apps and native system apps, it’s safe to say that Windows 11, which has native Android support, is the way to go.

Furthermore, if you want to develop Android apps in Ubuntu, you can rest confident that you will be able to do so without any problems.

What is the best Ubuntu version to use?

This is purely a matter of personal preference, and all versions of Ubuntu are nearly identical, with the exception of the desktop environment.

The original Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the most attractive Ubuntu versions, but Lubuntu, with its low hardware requirements, is our personal favorite.

Your demands will dictate whatever Ubuntu distribution you use, but no matter which option you choose, it will most likely not disappoint you.


Ubuntu and Windows 11 have a lot in common, especially in terms of the user interface, which has a simple style and rounded corners.

Another resemblance is the specialized app store where you can find and download software.

In terms of app support, security, and privacy, the two operating systems are fundamentally different.

Ubuntu is more secure and compatible with older PCs, but it can’t run Windows software without jumping through hoops, and it can’t handle gaming as well as Windows.

Ubuntu has a steep learning curve, so if you’re not used to using the command line, it might not be for you.

In the Windows 11 vs Ubuntu comparison, there is no clear victor; it all depends on your demands and personal tastes.

If we had to choose between the two, we’d choose Windows 11 since it’s easier to use and has better application support, which is more appropriate for our purposes.

What is your preferred operating system? Please let us know in the comments section below.

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Microsoft introduced Windows 10 at its Build developer conference in late 2015. However, there is still a lot of confusion about the OS, so let’s understand how Windows 10 works and which features are unique to Windows 10.. Read more about ubuntu vs windows 10 reddit and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Ubuntu more secure than Windows?

This is a difficult question to answer. It depends on what you are looking for. If you want a secure operating system that does not have security vulnerabilities, Ubuntu would be the best choice. However, if you are looking for an operating system with more features and capabilities, Windows would be better suited for your needs.

Which is better Windows or Ubuntu?

This is a difficult question, as both are very good operating systems. I would say that Ubuntu is better for beginners, while Windows is better for more experienced users.

Is Windows 11 better than Linux?

Linux is a free and open source operating system, while Windows is proprietary software.

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • ubuntu 18.04 vs windows 10
  • ubuntu vs windows 10 performance
  • ubuntu vs windows 10
  • windows 10 vs ubuntu
  • ubuntu vs windows 10 2019
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