Cydia is an app store for Jailbroken iOS devices, specifically iPhones and iPads. It has a huge library of apps, hacks, tweaks, themes, and more. Like any app, Cydia has its fair share of bugs and glitches, but it’s essential for a Jailbroken iOS device. Since Cydia can be very unstable, and most of the apps and tweaks aren’t updated, chances are you’ll end up with a Jailbroken iOS device that won’t be able to update to the latest iOS version. Thankfully, there is an app on the App Store that can help you fix all these issues.

Erasing your iOS 9.3.3 restore with Cydia Eraser is a common practice among jailbreak users, but it generates a lot of questions. Why should Cydia Eraser be used to erase a jailbreak? What should we do to the iPhone/iPad/iPod/iPod touch once we erase it? How do we restore the iOS 9.3.3 firmware? That is why we are here.

If you wish to UnJailbreak iOS 9.3.3, install Cydia Eraser on your iPhone or iPad. Cydia Eraser is one of the finest UnJailbreak apps available, assisting Jailbreak users in unlocking their iDevices. Non-Jailbreak Cydia Store may also be downloaded for free from this page.

Continue reading to learn how to unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3 with Cydia Eraser:

If you wish to unjailbreak your iOS 9.3.3 running iPhone, iPad device without using iTunes, you can only do it using the Cydia Eraser Tweak, since the Eraser was created to remove unthreaded jailbreak from our iDevices. And you can unjailbreak any iDevice for free by downloading and installing this software Tweak from the preinstalled Cydia store on your iPhone or iPad.

Cydia Eraser is a Jailbreak community utility tool that allows you to unjailbreak your iPhone or iPad without having to install the iTunes IPSW file. Where Apple has stopped signing older iOS versions, iTunes now needs an IPSW file to unjailbreak. However, the recently released Cydia Eraser was able to unjailbreak without the need of an IPSW file. Jailbreak your iDevices using FilzaEscaped.

Download Cydia Eraser on iPhone/iPad to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3With Cydia Eraser, you can unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3.

Also check out:

This article contains the following content:

What is Cydia Eraser, and how does it work?

This Utility Tweak Name was Taken from Cydia Impactor in other words, Which were Designed and Developed by excellent Saurik, who also developed CydiaEraser and Cydia Impactor. This Tweak was released by Saurik as a free and open source, and you may get it for free from the Cydia Store.

The previous version of Cydia Eraser supported iPhone and iPad devices running iOS 7.1 to 9.3.3, however the latest version also supports iOS 10. And it’s extremely easy to use this tool, and you may complete the whole jailbreak procedure with only one tap. Download the PP Jailbreak Tool, which may also be used to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad.

Cydia Eraser Information

App info:

  1. Cydia Eraser is the name of the tweak.
  2. Saurik’s Unjailbreak Tweak is a category.
  3. iOS 9.3.3 is required for use.

Some Crucial Points

  • Begin the Unjailbreak procedure with a fully charged battery.
  • The Unjailbreak procedure requires a strong internet connection.
  • The Unjailbreak procedure requires a strong internet connection.

Articles Related to This:

  1. Uncover Jailbreak iOS 12 is a program that allows you to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Electra Jailbreak Instructions

Install Cydia Eraser on your iPhone or iPad to unjailbreak it.

Because there are many individuals using iOS 9.2 to 9.3 and trying to Unjailbreak their devices for the latest iOS 10 version update, CydiaEraser is extremely useful for iOS Jailbreak Communities. So you can get this wonderful unjailbreak tool for free from the fantastic Jailbreak Cydia store. After installing this tweak on your iDevice, go to Cydia and add the following repo source. With a single tap, you may Tweak and Unjailbreak your iPhone or iPad at the same time.

  • Note: Before beginning this Unjailbreak procedure, keep in mind two things: first, create an iTunes backup of your iPhone, and second, turn off iCloud and Apple Passcodes.

Before you go ahead and install CydiaEraser to UnJailbreak your iOS 9.3.3, let me tell you a few facts about this program that may help you decide whether or not to use it. The Cydia Tweaks for your jailbroken iDevices may be found here.

Cydia Eraser’s most notable characteristics

  1. Without the IPSW file, Cydia Eraser completed the unjailbreak procedure.
  2. The download and installation procedure is extremely simple, and this Tweak is available for free.
  3. Almost all iPhone, iPad, and iPod devices can be unjailbroken using this tool.
  4. Compatible with iOS 7+/8+/9+/10+ using the Cydia Eraser Tool.
  5. Cydia Eraser untethers your iOS device from the jailbreak.
  6. We don’t need a Windows/Linux/Mac computer to download Cydia Eraser.
  7. This tool is the finest on the market for restoring your iPhone or iPad to its original state.
  8. To recover your data, you’ll need an IPA file.

Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3 without iTunes using Cydia Eraser for iPhone and iPad

Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3 in 3 Easy Steps:

  • Launch the Cydia app on your jailbroken iPhone or iPad and wait a few seconds for the whole page to load.

Non-Jailbreak Cydia Store Download

  • See the bottom bar on the Cydia Store Home screen page and then click on the Sources Icon.
  • Now-Again See the Topbar and Click on Edit >> Add Options.
  • Copy and paste the source code below into the Prompted Pop-up source Window Box.

  • Wait a few minutes for the Cydia Eraser Repository to update onto Cydia store Sources after clicking the Add Source button.

Download Cydia Eraser on iPhone/iPad to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3Restore and Update iTunes

  • When the Repo Verify and Update Process is finished, it will be added to the Cydia Store Sources list automatically. So just reload Cydia and go to the Cydia Sources section once again.
  • Find the CydiaEraser Tweak in the Cydia store Sources List and click on it.
  • See the Top Bar and then Again Click on Install Button >> Done button.

Steps to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3 on iPhone and iPad Without a Computer

Create an iTunes backup on your computer before beginning this process, then turn off your iPhone, iPad PassCode, and iCloud.

  • Open the Cydia Store Tweak and carefully read the instructions. After clicking the Erase All Data, Unjailbreak Device button, the device will be unjailbroken.
  • Now you’ll see a tiny message pop-up asking you to confirm this process. Simply wait for the message and then click Erase All again.
  • When you press the That Erase All button, the Cydia Eraser will begin the unjailbreak procedure in a matter of seconds.
  • Waiting for your iDevice to unjailbreak takes roughly five to 10 minutes.
  • When the Unjailbreak procedure is finished, a blank screen with a loading bar appears. This is a symbol for starting up IOS in the original manner.
  • The “Hello” Welcome screen will now appear.
  • That’s it, Readers; you’ve successfully completed the un-jailbreak procedure.

Using iTunes Backup to Restore Your iPhone

  • On your computer, launch iTunes.
  • Connect your iPhone to it and enter your device’s password to open it.

Download Cydia Eraser on iPhone/iPad to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3Password is required.

  • When the notice Trust this Computer appears after you’ve established a connection with your iPhone, click Yes.

Download Cydia Eraser on iPhone/iPad to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3Select Trust.

  • After that, choose Device Summary.

Download Cydia Eraser on iPhone/iPad to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3Select Device Summary.

  • To restore a backup, choose Restore Backup.

Download Cydia Eraser on iPhone/iPad to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3Select Restore Backup from the drop-down menu.

  • Then it displays a selection of backup options, from which you may choose one.

Download Cydia Eraser on iPhone/iPad to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3To Restore, Select a Backup

  • Now, choose Restore, and iTunes will begin restoring your backup.

Download Cydia Eraser on iPhone/iPad to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3Restore begins.

  • Your device will stay linked to the computer until it is restored.
  • Disconnect the device after the backup is complete, and Cydia will be uninstalled from your iPhone.

Commonly Asked Questions (FAQs):

1) Is it safe to use this application?

Answer: Yes, this software is completely safe to use.

2) What is the purpose of this application?

Answer: This software unjails your jailbroken iDevices and removes Cydia.

Question 3) Is it possible to UnJailbreak other iOS versions as well?

Answer: Yes, you can use CydiaEraser to UnJailbreak previous iOS versions as well. Almost all iOS versions are supported by this app.


That’s all, Readers. We hope our Cydia Eraser Download and Install procedure, as well as our Unjailbreak tutorial, will assist you in unlocking your iPhone or iPad. If this information has helped you, please share it with your friends and relatives that wish to UnJailbreak their iOS versions. The finest jailbreaking tools are Yalu Jailbreak and PPHelper Tools.

This article mainly concludes you “How to Download Cydia Eraser” & “How to Install Cydia Eraser” to UnJailbreak iOS 9.3.3 In case if you found any Error or problem simply notify me through a comment. I will try my level best to give you a better solution for your query.

Thank you for visiting OM Geeky; for more information, go to

Download Cydia Eraser on iPhone/iPad to Unjailbreak iOS 9.3.3

My name is Pardhu, and I work at OMGeeky as an editor and author. Actually, I am a techie who is constantly eager to share tech-related information with my users. Apart from that, I like traveling, I enjoy sports, I am a good listener, I am a team player, a photographer, I am a graduate, and I enjoy hill climbing.

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • cydia eraser
  • unjailbreak script
  • unjailbreak iphone
  • unjailbreak download
  • how to reset cydia ios 10
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