College students are always looking for tools to help them study better and make the school year go by faster. There are many tools that have been developed to improve the way that students study and take notes. These tools are available for free or paid versions and can have many benefits. Below, we have listed five of the best tools that any college student should consider using.

In recent years, colleges and universities have turned to technology to enhance their learning processes: mobile learning, automated grading software, and more. But these tools come with their own set of problems: they can be expensive, complicated, and hard to customize. If you’re a student at a university, you may be using a piece of software that doesn’t fit your needs. In this article, we’ll take a look at the top five writing tools for college students in 2019, which will help you find something that works for you.

As a college student, I feel that good writing software is essential—especially for college students who often struggle with their time management and word count. If you are a college student reading this, I recommend picking up the writing software you want to use for free on the internet and deciding which works best for you.

Writing applications are among the most common types of software on the Internet. Despite their large number, there are surprisingly few apps that rise to the level of what most people consider a good app.

The best writing applications are not only aesthetically pleasing, they should also have comparable or even better functionality than applications on the market and pose as few adjustment difficulties as possible.

The 5 best writing programs for students in 2019

These are the five best applications that received an award.


When it comes to word processing, the functionality of the Scrivener application is so streamlined that it surpasses popular alternatives like Microsoft Word. It offers hundreds of formatted templates to save you time, folders to organize your ideas, and much more.

What really makes the app one of the best apps for students are the shortcuts. If you want to make the most of every second and be more productive, there are many shortcuts for everything from adding quotes to importing a web page.

Of course, this app is more for people working on long-form content than for those writing a 500-word article. Consider a 4,000-word essay or long content to be a nonfiction novel. It’s available for Windows, macOS and iPhone starting at $45 and is discounted to $38.25 for students.


Evernote is one of those apps that keeps getting cited as a great writing app, and for good reason. First, it’s completely free. It also has the most comprehensive feature set of any writing program out there.

When you need to collaborate, make a quick note, pull something from the web, read text from a photo, or dictate a note, Evernote is for you. If you like to write randomly, the app offers folders, labels, and notebooks to organize your notes.

And if you are used to taking quick notes often and the above features are not enough for you, the search function will prove even more useful. And this is just the beginning. This is one of those student apps that everyone should get.

Word processor

Werdsmith is an easy to use application. It offers a minimalist interface with only a menu bar and a write interface for interacting with the program. Most people won’t mind though, since most projects usually have a title note.

Others may find the user interface too simplistic, but that doesn’t detract from the quality of the device, especially its functionality.

The application allows you to start with ideas that can then grow into more complex projects. They have a practical purpose function that will appeal to those who have difficulty writing coherently.

It allows you to set the number of words you want to write in your next blog post, and bug you all day the next day until you do. If this isn’t worth the award for best educational software for students, then nothing else can be worth the price.

IA Writer

IA Writer is one of the best writing apps because its purpose is close to what Scrivener offers, but it adds an interesting twist. That said, this app is not as entertaining as Werdsmith, but it is for people working on small projects.

This is one of those student apps for Apple users because it relies on many features that other operating systems don’t offer. It works by blurring everything except the line you type – a feature they call Focus Mode. This will help you focus, especially if you are writing long essays.

Speaking of essays: Another feature of this application is the way you format your notes. For example, it may advise you to write an essay using our guidelines or allow you to create your own templates for later use. If you are still struggling with essay writing, contact a good online assignment writing service to get your work done.

Final design

Final Draft was originally one of many applications designed for students, but today it is the same software used by Hollywood professionals to write scripts. With templates and features such as automatic pagination, you can take advantage of industry standards.

If you are a writer, this app offers more features than can be listed in a blog. This is definitely another good app for students to explore. The only downside is the hefty $249 price tag, but it’s worth every penny.


For many people, the best writing apps are those that only do one thing and do it well. If you belong to this category, you will enjoy Final Draft and IA Writer. These are minimalist writing apps that try to focus your attention on the writing process itself.

If you value productivity and functionality above all else, a program like Scrivener, with its extensive list of keyboard shortcuts and collaboration tools, can be much more useful. Whatever your preference, a good writing app can make the difference between a productive week and a busy one.

Author bio:

Michael Turner is an academic writing expert who helps students complete assignments that can improve their grades and overall performance in college and university. He also works as a writing coach and teaches online courses for aspiring writers. In his spare time he writes sports and health blogs, reads non-fiction books and plays tennis.College is an exciting time, but it can be difficult for students to find the time to spend on writing. Many students have to juggle a hectic schedule, but some have to work a part-time job while still having to take their classes. In an effort to help those students create the best possible paper, here are the five best writing software for college students in 2019.. Read more about best writing software and let us know what you think.

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