It’s always a sad day when a talented artist leaves a company, but it’s even sadder when that artist is a Senior Artist. Eric Braddock, Senior Artist at Blizzard Entertainment was a talented artist who worked on World of Warcraft’s PVP game mode, Battlegrounds, as the lead character artist on the team. The artist has worked on various classes of characters within the game’s universe and has worked on the artwork for both PvP classes as well as Warlock and Druid characters.
World of Warcraft Senior Artist Eric Bradden—whose work can be seen in the game’s dark tiers, on the Arathi Highlands battlegrounds, and on the Blade’s Edge Arena—has joined the ranks of Blizzard’s esteemed alumni. There’s no word on what Bradden will be up to after his departure, but we’re sure he’ll have a great career wherever he goes. Luckily, his portfolios are safe with Blizzard’s University, which is free to all WoW players. The only catch is that new players have to be at least level 20 before they can join.

The Blizzard Entertainment brain drain continues: World of Warcraft lead artist Eric Braddock announced this month that he was leaving the studio for an undisclosed occasion, and he is one of a number of veterans who have left the company in recent months.
Yesterday was my last day at Blizzard Entertainment, Braddock said on the 19th. June. After eight years of working on my favorite game, it’s time to say goodbye. A unique opportunity has presented itself and I can’t wait to tell you about my new adventure.
Braddock has worked on the last three extensions and was promoted to lead artist in March. He is perhaps best known as the creative force behind one of the most beloved characters in Battle for Azeroth: One of my proudest contributions to World of Warcraft so far is the creation of Taelia Fordragon, daughter of Bolvar Fordragon. It’s a character that I imagined, developed the concept, wrote the story, worked out his place in the story and his personality, and introduced to our design team. I’m very happy and honored to see them in the game, and I’m very happy with how our quest design team handled them in Battle for Azeroth.
You can view Braddock’s art portfolio online.
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